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Värme & kylvästar

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Capit WarmMe benvärmare

An innovative product designed by Capit to improve the well-being of those who use the motorcycle also in winter. Legheater is an elegant, practical and patented garment, it represents the perfect substitute for heavy and bulky leg covers, which are good for those who ride a scooter but are uncomfortable for bikers. It has three different heat selections from low to high depending on how warm and comfortable you need to be. The WarmMe Legheater, thanks to two powerful batteries, keeps your legs warm even at very low temperatures. Water resistant, it doesn’t fear the rain, easy to be worn and be removed, it doesn’t hinder walking and is comfortable to be carried.

Capit WarmMe strumpor

The WarmMe battery heated socks allow to maintain your feet warm in cold locations and during any outdoor activity, especially if praticated during the winter season. The WarmMe battery heated socks use an infra-red heating technology and they have heating carbon elements that contribute to diffuse the heat homogeneously. Sporty look and very thechnical, the heated socks are resistant (cotton and spandex), soft and washable by hand at 30°C; the thin battery, once recharged, is putted in a little pocket positioned at the top of the sock at the height of elastic and connected to the same with the special cable. It can maintain the foot area warm up to 7 hours. With button for selecting heating power directly on the battery.


EVS Kylväst hjälper till att förhindra uttorkning och värmeslag. Västen hjälper dig behålla optimal styrka och prestanda. Helt perfekt för en varm dag på banan.

Tillverkade av tunna, strategiskt placerade lager av 'superabsorberande polymer'

När västen är mättad med vatten, bibehåller polymerna vatten och långsamt sprider det för att hålla dig sval

Strategisk placerade sektioner kommer att hålla nere din kärntemperatur längre

Hjälper till att maximera ditt träningspass